
I hope you enjoy my new blog, with fluffy love and quacks, Mother Duck xxxx

Sunday, 28 July 2013

I am my own worst customer for bespoke items!

How hard can it be?
After all I do it all the time, for customers
I am trying to create a bag for myself.
Seriously how hard can it be?

I sort of know how big it needs to be and I sort of know how many pockets it needs.
I sort of know just how long the handles should be too.
But I cannot translate that into a sketch, and I don't think I will ever get to the real design stage where I can draw a pattern for my bag.

When I talk to my customers about how they want their bags to look it all seems so much easier; they know sort of what size it needs to be and by talking to them I somehow manage to help them settle on the exact size and shape. So why is that so hard for ME to decide?

When I talk to my customers about what they need to put in their bags we manage to decide on the number of pockets, inside and out. So why is that so hard for ME to decide?

When I talk to my customers they know whether they want zips, magnetic catches, a flap over the top of the bag AND how long they want the handles. So why is that so hard for ME to decide?

The subject of fabric is always the one that causes the biggest problem ... because of course that is what decides what the bag will ultimately look like. The choice isn't as simple as patterned or plain fabrics; the type of fabric really helps decide on the finished structure of the bag, a simple cotton will not have as much structure as canvas for example (although a cotton fabric can be given structure if needed!) I haven't even thought about what fabrics I want to use!

I seriously thought making a bag for myself would be easy, after all I do it for other people but I am totally scuppered. I know that it needs to be large enough to carry all my kit and caboodle and a I prefer longer straps BUT that does not make a bag!

What do you like about your favourite use every day bag?
Do you carry things that need special sized pockets?
Do you like pockets to be on the inside or the outside?
What about zips - love them or hate them?

Tell me about your favourite bag and what makes it your favourite. I need all the help I can get to help me channel my mind into making a bag for me.

I think I might even be tempted into giving away a bag once I have made my own!
So keep watching the Blog (I know I don't write it as often as I should) and you will see my new bag created and I will announce a chance for you too win a new bag - the give away won't be one of my bespoke bags but the winner might have some say in the colours etc (I haven't decided yet)

So please help me create my perfect everyday bag by telling me about yours.


  1. My perfect bag would have to be quite large but also plenty of pockets inside for all my bits and pieces, for instance, I always carry a sat nav and charger, so a good sized pocket for that, my camera, phone, huge purse, pens, tablet, tissues, wet wipes, large bunch of keys, small notepad, as well as all my 'lady bits, ie lippy, perfume, comb, mirror etc etc '.
    I think its a good idea to have a key chain attached inside for extra security, and also makes it easier to find keys in the dark!
    Maybe consider padded plaited long handles, a) to make foe comfort if bag is heavy, and b) long across body bag handles are always easier to carry, leaving bith hands free!
    Now, the fabric, well it would have to be hard wearing, and just because its me, I would like a bit of sparkle, so either sparkly thread running through material, or I would sew on a few sequins or beads here and there.
    Oh and 1 last thing, I would reinforce the lining and double and triple stitch all the seams inside, cos thats the first thing I usually find that goes on my bags.

    Can you tell I'm a bagaholic? I luuurrrvvve a nice bag!
    Hope this helps xxxx

  2. I have so many bags Tracey but none of them are just right and I have ended up using two! So I am trying to create one that does it all - *SIGH* I like the idea of a padded handle but maybe instead of the whole handle something to put on the handle that can be moved to the right position whether it is in long or short handle mode

  3. I am a pocket person. I need a bag that can hold my wallet which is about 5". I need a pocket for my makeup etc...my cellphone...ok 2 cellphones, my pen, and a space for all my unused pieces of paper I will probably never look at again! I prefer shoulder length strap but if I am dressed up I like a shorter hand strap. Color varies. If I am going out all dressed up something soft and pretty otherwise something bright and fun. I like them dbl lined. A purse should be functional and fun!
